
McLaren Housing Society has shown throughout its history the role adequate housing plays in HIV+ health and wellbeing. Many residents and program participants acknowledge they would not be alive today if it were not for the affordable housing programs and supports this agency provides. The important role community based research plays in identifying this is key for McLaren in building the case for future funding to consolidate and expand our programs and services.
1. At Home At Howe Study in partnership with the Centre For Excellence in HIV/AIDS.
This community based research focuses on the Howe Street building & looks at the impact of supportive housing on HIV health.
2. Positive Living Positive Homes in collaboration with Pacific Aids Network.
This community based study focuses on three communities- Kamloops. Prince George & Vancouver and looks at the pathways through housing services utilized by HIV+ persons.
3. Western Canada Study On the Impact of Housing and Supports on People living with HIV/AIDS.
This community based study focuses on agencies in Western Canada & recognizes a need for common outcome measures and evaluation tools to support program delivery & sustain funding for HIV supported housing services, especially those services for people living with HIV/AIDS and complex needs.